Dermatologists Describe the Signs, the Causes, and the Treatment Options
What Is Fungal Acne? The primary cause of acne is clogged pores. The cause of the blockage varies from person to person: According to the American Academy of Dermatology Association , hormones, skin care products , and food can all have a role. The acne, on the other hand, is essentially the same. Something clogs your skin's tiny hair follicles, causing irritation in the shape of red, raised bumps known as pimples, which may or may not include a white or black aperture, or "head." What Causes Fungal Acne? Because fungal acne is caused by an excess of Malassezia yeast, the most common causes of the disorder are conditions and environments that favor fast yeast development. These can include, according to the American Osteopathic College of Dermatology (AOCD): Living in humid, hot climates Having an abundance of oil glands Sweating frequently as a result of the weather, exercise, or medical conditions Failure ...