The procedure of laser vaginal rejuvenation is supposed to tighten the vagina and resolve looseness. Women frequently notice a decrease in tightness in their vaginas as they age. Of course, aging is not the only factor contributing to this; pregnancy and fat also loosen the vagina. This causes problems like urine incontinence and a lack of feeling during sexual activity. Both non-surgical and surgical methods of laser vaginal rejuvenation are available. The non-surgical approach uses lasers to tighten the skin and promote collagen formation within the vaginal wall. This post will discuss surgical laser vaginal rejuvenation. At Cosmetique , we think patients must examine any treatment carefully, but surgery in particular. One should not ignore several other dangers associated with surgical treatments. You know what to expect because we did some research on surgical laser vaginal rejuvenation! IN WHAT WAYS DOES LASER VAGINAL TIGHTENING WORK? The laser reconstructs and reshapes the area...